Level 1 The candidate identifies a question or issue and lists the methods used in obtaining the information. Selection, observation and recording uses a limited range of basic techniques.
Level 2 The candidate identifies a question or issue, the sequence of investigation and describes the methods used in obtaining the information. Selection, observation, collection and recording uses a range of appropriate techniques. The work is organised and planned and shows some evidence of the development of tasks
Level 3 The candidate identifies a question or issue and explains why that particular question or issue was chosen. The candidate describes the sequence of investigation, the methods used in obtaining the information and explains why the methods selected are relevant to their investigation. Selection observation, collection and recording uses a comprehensive range of appropriate techniques. The work is well organised, planned and shows evidence of originality and initiative by the candidate.
So what were your methods?
- Base map and classification key
- Annotated photographs
Given A3 blank base map and simple land use classification – why, what advantage was it to have this given to you rather than you produce your own?
Include a copy of the classification key. Explain how you completed the map. What are the alternative ways of recording this information? Which method did you select? why?
On the day – what did you do?
Observational skills – different types of ground floor land use.
Explain how you recorded your results – by recording relevant letters for each shop/building onto the base map. Used a key rather than noting shop names or types of goods – speed of data collection and clearer for interpretation and analysis of data. Lots of buildings.
Simple method and accurate – completed whole map in short? Amount of time
Include example of map showing results
Why did you map this yourselves? Observation and recording the ground floor land uses by yourselves was more reliable than using published data – you could ensure that information was up to date and correct. Although Touchwood leaflets had shop names, didn’t say what goods were sold and also such literature was not available for High St, Mell Square etc.
Working in a group – enabled you to discuss and decide any land use which was difficult to categorise on the key – accuracy, reliability. Were there any buildings that fitted in >1 category?
LINK EACH METHODS TO A PARTICULAR HYPOTHESIS - justify why you are doing it!
How do you intend to present your findings – why have you selected these methods?
A3 map according to show results of ground floor land use survey.
A3 map divided into squares and noting dominant land use
of the grid or A3 map divided into concentric zones or overlay zone showing the dominant land use of the zone
A4 maps which relate specifically to your hypotheses e.g. showing car parks, vacant premises and public buildings or showing shops and offices.
Tally chart and graph to show % of land use in the CBD
Detailed labelling – minimum of 4 - 5 labels
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