Sunday, 13 April 2008


Look at the assessment criteria.....

Level 1 The candidate uses a limited range of basic techniques, some of
which are ICT based, to present the information and express ideas with some degree of accuracy.
Level 2 The candidate uses accurately a range of techniques, some of which are ICT based, to present and develop the information; and express ideas with considerable accuracy in the use of English.
Level 3 The candidate uses accurately a range of more complex techniques, some of which are ICT based, to present and develop the information appropriate to their investigation; and express ideas in a clear, fluent and logical form using precise and appropriate English

Task 4.1
Colour each category of the land use classification key and then colour the A3 base map accordingly.

Task 4.2
Compile a tally chart to show the number of establishments in each of the land use categories
Category Tally Frequency total %
A IIII 4 9

Task 4.3
Include a well annotated photograph which show buildings in a range of categories

Task 4.4 A4 maps
On one A4 map - colour all shops in one colour and all offices and public buildings in a second colour. What pattern emerges? ask yourself why?

Look back to your individual hypothesis, does this lend itself to mapping? Did you expect to find any residential properties, industrial premises or vacant properties.
With all maps remember to add a key and title

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