Sunday, 13 April 2008

Enquiry A - Hypotheses

General aim of Enquiry A : To investigate the ground floor land use of each building in the CBD

Make three predictions about what you expect to discover with regard to the land use of the buildings and open space in the CBD e.g.

1. Main ground floor use will be ………. because.... (accessibility, land values)
2. Do not expect to find residential use because.. (land values, congestion, noise, pollution, small space available)
3. Expect to find clusters of similar shops / banks/ entertainment because ...(benefits of location – competition, benefits to be gained from operating in the same area from other service providers e.g. bars and restaurants, restaurants / fast food and cinema., competitive prices)
4. Expect to find only a small amount of vacant premises because (prime location, numbers of people, accessibility)
5. Some of ground floor is taken up with car parks etc because ... (consider workers and customers)
6. Do not expect to find industry because .... ( land for expansion, storage etc. Land values costs)
7. Ground floor land use will differ towards the edge of the CBD because.....
departmental stores etc will locate ....... because. Offices tend to locate ..... because.....

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