Wednesday, 28 May 2008


Was the base map accurate?
Were there any problems with using the classification table? …. Charity shops, Sainsbury’s
Have you collected enough data?
Were there any problems in collecting the data?
What were the disadvantages of the techniques selected?
Map …. out of date? change of building shape?
Photographs … open to interpretation?
How could you improve data collection
Were other members of your group reliable?

Did the data collection cover the whole of Solihull area?
What could you do to improve methods - accuracy?
What needs to be done to increase reliability of methods used – day, time, sampling methods?
How accurate are results?
What could be done to improve accuracy?
How valid are your conclusions?
Which results support hypotheses – why?
Which results reject hypotheses – why?

Why might your conclusions be invalid or wrong?
Can you link any weakness in your conclusions to the results or methodology?
What improvements could be made to the enquiry to increase the validity of conclusions?

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