Wednesday 28 May 2008

1. Analysis of ground floor plan - Enq A

The base map and key show the ground floor land uses in Solihull CBD
You can see which are the most common land uses A - P Which are the top three?
You can see the total number of each of the different categories of ground floor land uses

What are the reasons for the most common land uses?
Competition for land
Accessibility – customers able to reach
much sought after location
high land values - only shops with high turnover and profitability can afford CBD locations.

What is the dominant ground floor land use?
1. Was it specialist shops?
In the CBD there are a wide variety of specialist shops….. book, electrical, hardware, sport, antique shops, jewellers, florists
Specialist shops are located across the CBD … they are different to each other and they are important within the CBD

CBD is accessible part of the town
Most sought after
Prepared to pay higher land rents to locate centrally because it is important for customers to be able to reach them.
Specialist shops make high profits therefore they are able to afford the high land prices in the CBD

2. Clothing and shoe shops
This land use category shows evidence of clustering as it is mainly located….
Explanation …..
e.g. This is because the shops are selling similar goods and are clustered together to make it easier for the customer to access and so that the shops can compete against each other.

3. Professional Services and offices – banks, solicitors, architects, doctors, estate agents, doctors, estate agents, opticians, chemists, accountants. Located in CBD as
most accessible part of town
attract a lot of customers
afford the high land prices

Is there any evidence of clustering?
Explanation …..
Selling comparison goods
Customers wish to shop around for different products

From looking at tally chart, bar chart and map are there any land uses not found in the CBD – why?
Not enough space
Land values too high
Congestion – adds to transport costs

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