- Touchwood and High Street - note the use of capital letters.
- Remember to give all maps, graphs and photos a title and label both axes on graphs.
- Avoid crossing over arrows when annotating pictures - it just makes it look messy and confusing. Best to consider the layout before you start.
- When doing your scattergraphs - give the number of the location alongside the cross or dot on the graph - it will aid in analysis.
- Give % information when producing pie charts.
- when analysing graphs, maps etc, remember to put into words what the graphs show, quote figures or percentages (L3), give 'most', 'least' and highlight any anomalies. Suggest several reasons to explain the trend
- ALWAYS link back to your hypothesis
- Where possible make link between different sets of data. A good example of a link is pedestrian count and quality of environment / shopping survey. You get most people where there is a high score on the SQSA survey.
- LOOK at the marking grids that I gave to you. These are from the board and unless I can find the evidence under the criteria - you don't get the marks.
Have fun!!!
Mezzogiorno or rivers next week ???? Can't decide!
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